Saturday, June 28, 2008

Lace Cardigan

Since the votes were tied between starting a Christmas present, or making April a summer sweater I decided to make the sweater. It is going to be a black lace cardigan. Getting started was definatly tricky, but once I got going I think I am getting the hang of it. Here is a picture of the back, there is a lace border, kinda scalloped, and then the lace pattern.

Monday, June 23, 2008

All Done!

I finished my sweater today. I like it, although it was a challenge to make it totally up as I went along. But I don't mind ripping out as long as I am happy when it is done. I know I will wear it alot once it cools back down.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

New Project?

My sweater is very close to being done, I just need to make the neckline and sew in the extra tails of yarn. I will post a picture soon. So now what? We all know I can't go with out a project for well...yea, I can't go with out a project period. I would like your opinons on what I should do next, so I have a poll that you can vote on what I should knit next. It will be fun. Thanks for your input.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Well, I just finished my first pair of socks. I used the magic loop method of knitting 2 socks at a time with 1 long needle. I like them ok, but I know now things I will change next time. Now I have to get back to that frustrating cardigan of mine.

Pat's sister Laureen from Idaho was flying home from a visit to Roseburg on Tuesday, and had a 4 hour lay over at PDX, so April and I picked her up and we met Pat for lunch. It was nice to see her we only see her every 2 - 3 years or less so I think Pat enjoyed their visit. Hopefully it won't be so long until next time.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Memorial Day

On Monday, Pat, Casey, April, and myself, drove up to Multhnomah Falls to have breakfast in the lodge. It was a cloudy day but the falls were still very beautiful. It was nice to have Casey home even if it was for a few weeks. He left on Wednesday to fly to Alaska. So far he has enjoyed working on the train that travels through Denali. They go up from Anchorage to Fairbanks, spend the night and then return the next day. He is working as bartender on the top of a double decker train that is almost all glass. He is getting amazing veiws. We will see him again in July for the wedding.

We I got the heel flaps done on my socks. Now I have turned the heel and am working on the foot. It seems to be going well I should be done soon.