Monday, March 17, 2008

Annie, Brownies and sweater progress

Last week I decided to thaw some of April's brownies that she had made at school and then I left to go make soup at our Soup Kitchen at church. Meanwhile April came home and let Annie out of her kennel and went to go change clothes, not knowing I had brownies on the counter, which by the way were WAY back on the counter, so I thought they were safe. I have a English Springer, not a Wolfhound! So April came out to find an empty plate with brownie crumbs and a guilty looking Annie. She couldn't get a hold of me , my phone won't ring in the basment at church or Pat, so she call the vet and made an appointment, then called Casey, he can always calm her down, she finally got me and I came home, the Dr. said to watch her but she probably didn't get enough to hurt her, she has seemed fine so it was just a scare. I still can't figure out how she reached her paw all that way to grap the plate and pull it forward.

1 comment:

Whirling Dervish said...

OOh, I'm so glad Annie is ok! Harriet once at an entire chocolate bar- 78% chocolate- and she had to go to the drs! Dogs can reach far when they want to..