Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tuesday Weigh In

I had weigh in today I was down .4lb it doesn't sound like alot, but April started Pastry classes last week. In 7 days we have had in the house, Pizza, unbeilievable brownies (2batches), Chocolate bark w/crasins and almonds, Huge Peanutbutter cookies dipped in tempered chocolate, checkerboard cookies, spritzs cookies, and a Cream Pie. As I said some how I was down .4 Woo Hoo for me!


Mama K said...

Those sound yummy and hard to resist! Good for you!

Whirling Dervish said...

Hi Sally,

I will be teaching starting this summer, from May-the beginning of June. Then, I will probably come home for awhile, but since I'll be buying a house here this spring, it will depend on when I buy, when I move, etc..

Love Kate